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[Mar. 7th, 2008|07:24 am]

The rookie fought dirty; good trait in an ANBU. Despite that Raidou still winced very faintly when Genma's clone took a solid crack between the legs and did what all men under similar circumstances wished they could do--ceased to exist. He backed up fast when Ryouma managed to evade the real Genma with the swift application of furniture--ouch--and some luck, and swung towards him. Raidou was more then capable of taking down a half-dead rookie who looked like he'd left most of his blood on the sheets, but Kakashi's unconscious weight in his arms was a damn convincing reason not to. Besides, one more nick would probably finish Ryouma off, and Raidou was not going to be the man who delivered it.

Fortunately Genma's other clone proved itself useful and solved the problem; pitching Ryouma back into the real Genma's--oddly pissed off--arms. Raidou gave his friend a calm the fuck down look--it was easy to see why Ryouma had freaked, even if it hadn't been the smart thing--and turned his attention to his own bleeding scrap of ninja. He shifted his grip and slipped his hand up under Kakashi's mask to feel for a pulse. The kid was half-frozen, damn pale, and definitely not living the good life from what Raidou could make out, but he was still breathing, and the flicker-beat thrumming under his skin was steady, if a bit slow. He was also, Raidou couldn't help noticing, soaked. He noticed mostly because water--cold water--was seeping steadily through the thick cloth of Raidou's sweater and the thinner cloth of his sleeping shirt to chill his skin.

Showers, Genma had said. Oi.

"He's still with us." Raidou cast another glance at Kakashi's hands, limp against the kid's stomach, and found he had a second wince. The bloody bandage around the copy-nin's left hand spoke of unpleasant things, but the blistered black mess someone had made of his right palm was just ugly. No wonder he'd dropped when Raidou had caught that blow. "Stable might not be the word for it, though."

Raidou carried him over to Ryouma's bed, spied a blanket that was almost non-bloody, and set Kakashi down on it. It took half a second to wrap the kid up fairly neatly--incidentally hiding his hands from Genma, because that was not really something Raidou wanted his friend to see--and pick him back up again. Raidou glanced at Ryouma, who was in a similar soaked state and half-naked to boot. Damn. "We got time to get some clothes on him?" he asked Genma, "Or do you just want to go?"
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