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[Mar. 7th, 2008|06:08 am]

Raidou sighed. It seemed the appropriate thing to do. "Excellent," he said, after trading an unamused look with Genma. "It's wonderful to see the ANBU tradition of rookie hazing is still ongoing, even if this is a little over the top..." Kakashi was surprisingly light, considering how tall he was. Raidou steadied him and got a hand under his knees, lifting him into a basic cradle hold. Genma's clone got a similarly unimpressed look when it tried to lend an unwanted hand, then Raidou's attention was taken up with Kakashi's own hands.

Ouch was not quite the word.

"Damn, kid," he said to the unconscious ...teenager? How old was Kakashi, anyway? "You forget how to block properly?" Ryouma, held between Genma and his other clone, looked like he was in much worse shape. Raidou scowled. "Who the hell let them past the desk in this condition? Fuck me, we've got enough people trying to get us dead without our own doing it through neglect." Dying on the field was one thing, but dying because you'd done your mission, gotten home, and no one cared enough to notice you were bleeding out your last bit of red was something else entirely.
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