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[Mar. 6th, 2008|07:21 pm]

Raidou had been having a peaceful night. He'd spent most of his day training, mid-way along the uphill slope to getting back into shape after his recent mission-related hospital stay. He'd made some good progress and finished the session with a run and a shower. A decent meal, a good book, and a fairly early night had capped his evening.

Then people had started snarling outside his room.

He'd woken, already tense, to hear the sound of Genma snapping on his... left? Genma's room was on the right. The rookie's room was on the left. What the--? The voice that answered Genma's was quieter, tone spiking up occasionally in something that sounded like anger, possibly fright. It didn't sound like the rookie, either.

Raidou glanced at the clock next to his bed, and scowled at the time. Then he got up, and picked up a sweater to drag over his sleeping tank-top, covering his bare shoulders. He didn't bother putting on shoes, nor did he turn the light on. He knew his own room well enough to move easily in the dark.

He let himself out quietly, closing the door without a click, and spotted Hatake Kakashi leaning against Ryouma's doorframe looking fairly battered. Roadkill was a good description. Wet roadkill. Raidou could hear Genma's voice coming out of Ryouma's room. He sounded pissed, but unhurt. Raidou didn't bother pausing to be surprised, he simply moved down the hallway on bare feet, making no huge effort to be silent. He didn't want to sneak up on someone clearly wired from a mission.

Kakashi gave him no notice right up until he flinched, his muscles bunched, and he jerked around to swing an off-kilter blow at Raidou's jugular. Raidou snapped a hand up, catching the strike automatically (and since when was he able to move faster then the genius brat?) locking his fingers around the kid's fist. He was bringing up his other hand to block a second blow before he realized there was none.

Raidou might not have spared the time to be surprised at Kakashi standing in the door, but he was definitely surprised when the genius in question gasped and dropped like a damn rock. He blinked and arrested the copy-nin's fall with his spare hand, catching him before he hit the floor. Then he noticed the blood.

"Motherfuck, lover boy, what the hell's going on?"
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