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[Mar. 4th, 2008|10:51 am]

"Not gonna pitch over," Ryouma muttered. His tongue felt oddly thick; the words seemed to be coming out sideways. Had someone broken the water heater? Probably the same prankster who'd hidden his belt buckle...

"I think," he said, very carefully and clearly, "I'm going into shock."

He couldn't have bled that much; aside from the knot at the back of his head and the gashes his shattering mask had ripped into forehead and cheeks and lips, his worst injury was only the angling slice under his arm. And sure, head wounds bled a lot--and these had certainly done so--but he'd taken a blood pill along with the painkillers and the soldier pill this morning, so it was just stupid to crash now.

Of course, he was also concussed, and coming off the soldier pill- and adrenaline-high that had gotten him home. If he were going to crash, now would be a decent time to do it. But he wasn't. So.

He found his belt-buckle at last, and fumbled at it with one hand while the other traced around to the pouches on the back. Neither hand was really up to much manual dexterity at the moment, but found something--not the med-kit--at the moment he finally sprang the catch and his belt fell off his hips.

It was a very small bar of biodegradable soap.

Ryouma stared at it and waited for his brain to catch up.

"Huh," he said at last. "That's helpful."
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