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[Mar. 7th, 2008|01:17 am]

Oh, little girl was the target. Or her family? Kakashi frowned and tried to understand. It was a mission. He was wearing his armour--he could feel it, couldn't see it--so it had to be a mission. Something about copying... from the girl? That didn't make sense.

Ginta. Right. Genjutsu expert because he was holding one up now, Kakashi could see it because he was riding a mule and that didn't make sense. He summoned dogs, not weird horse things. Ginta. Right there. Being stupid because he was hurt. Kakashi felt something click and managed to follow a snail trail of logic; mission, copy jutsu and lightning broke ribs--

Hands grabbed his shoulders, pulled the leather straps from his wrists non-to-gently. Kakashi made a surprised gasping yelp and hacked up blood into the man's face. Baiji shifted under him, growling, but Ginta was the one leading now, and Ginta had told him to follow and nothing more.


Bunpei scowled, dragged a hand over his face and yanked the ninja from the growling mule, slinging him over his broad shoulder. He was pleased when the shinobi groaned and shivered under his hands, and held him perhaps a little too tightly. The ninja felt too warm. Served him right. Bunpei rebalanced himself and took the man inside, stepping carefully around the short, dangerous one.
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