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[Mar. 7th, 2008|01:14 am]

Ginta didn't look back at Kakashi anymore. He couldn't. He had to trust that his genjutsu would hold, that Kakashi would survive, at least for as long as it took him to get the girl's help. Cooperation wasn't really what the game was about. Coercion was more useful in this situation. Ginta pushed all his energy into walking normally, not betraying the pain he was in. He fell in step next to the girl just as she turned to go in the door of a fairly tidy looking farm house. "Let me help you carry that," he said, taking the pail from her surprised hands.

She blinked up at him, and Ginta smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile. "We need to talk, your parents and me and my buddy there," He gestured at the man on the mule behind them. When the girl gave a frightened little squeak of a response, Ginta's smile broadened. "Good, you understand me." He had a blade to the girl's throat so fast she didn't have time to react at all.

The man inside did. He was on his feet, rushing out the door, as soon as he realized his daughter was in trouble. Ginta's voice came out harsh and cruel. "You want your kid to live? You help my buddy in the house. Now."

The farmer lunged for Ginta, making an inarticulate noise. Ginta was suddenly three Gintas, and the girl was screaming as the knife held by a clone bit into her neck.

"Shinobi!" the farmer spat, and a second man came rushing out. Younger. Maybe younger than Ginta and Kakashi. Must be the son.

"Don't even fucking try," Ginta barked. Oh fuck it hurt. But he had to get them inside. Had to get Kakashi dry and warm. He had just this chance to make sure they had someplace safe to recuperate. A second clone held a blade to the old man's throat. "Tell your son to go get my buddy there. He's hurt. Take him inside. We'll follow."

The man gave Ginta a look of pure hatred, but he nodded. "Bunpei, do what shinobi-san here says." He almost spat the words out.

Ginta breathed a huge sigh of relief. Inside, it would be so, so much easier.
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