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[Mar. 4th, 2008|08:45 am]

Kakashi blinked once as Ginta shifted closer, surprised. The ninja's face was practically resting against his chest. After a moment of uncertainty, Kakashi let his arm stay there; lowering it just slightly to lay on Ginta's shoulder, careful the added weight didn't hurt his chest. It was too much effort to pull back really. "If I go to sleep now," he muttered with a slight grimace, "I'm not waking back up for a few days. Better to stay awake." He wouldn't be much help in a fight, but he at least wanted to know what was going on. And if the worst came, he wanted to be conscious for it, if not on his feet.

He shivered once and coughed again. "Warmer," he murmured. He could almost feel his toes and everything.
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