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[Mar. 4th, 2008|08:30 am]

Ginta flinched when Kakashi's arm came up. The unexpected assault by hailstones made his reaction understandable, he told himself. He took a shallow breath or two and made himself relax.

"Tea," Ginta murmured, from where he was burrowed under Kakashi's arm. "Tea would be nice." And had Kakashi actually just put his arm up to protect him? That was really quite charming. Almost sweet. Probably best not to remark on it, given how violently the suggestion of a kiss had made the other man blush. "But better not ask for it, or we'll probably get it frozen."

The dog at Ginta's back shifted and whined, and Ginta scooted a little closer yet to Kakashi. "You warming up a little? You want to sleep? I think we can skip setting a watch. Any asshole tries to track us in this storm probably'll freeze his nads off before he finds us anyway."
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