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[Mar. 4th, 2008|07:00 am]

A couple of stray hailstones ricocheted off the rocks and bounced into the shelter. One landed with a cold sting against Ginta's burned cheek. He winced.

"OK you know what? Don't say another word. Not one. You're definitely jinxed." Ginta considered whether laughter or tears was the best response. "I mean seriously, did you have to call down hail on our heads?" Laughter. Laughter was always preferable.

Laughter also made him cough. And now that he was face to face with Kakashi, that was kind of rude. He ducked his head down, put a hand in front of his mouth, and proceeded to hack until his lips were blue and his mouth full of the taste of blood. At least Kakashi was letting him just get his breath back and not trying to do something stupid. He lay curled up against the taller man for a long moment, before he lifted his head again.

"Okay. Um. No more jokes. You can make it stop hailing now."
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