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[Mar. 4th, 2008|06:36 am]

Kakashi snorted quietly, "Can't catch what you already have," he muttered, and shifted a little closer. Ginta was shorter, his knees pressed to Kakashi's thighs, hips to stomach, chest to almost chest. He regarded the far wall over Ginta's head and tried to will himself less uncomfortable. It didn't really work.

Kakashi shifted again, only a little, and found himself roughly eye to eye with Ginta and close enough to make out pore details on his skin. It didn't help his discomfort much. It did help a little with the warm, however. Between the blankets above them and the dogs curled on either side --the mastiff took up two sides, the main bulk of his body pressed against Kakashi's flank, and his massive head and shoulders provided something of a pillow. Mostly the shoulder -- they were finally trapping a little body heat.

Which is, of course, when it began to snow.
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