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[Mar. 4th, 2008|05:43 am]

Kakashi twitched slightly at the hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes. "'m fine--" he began, and got cut off with another cough. Nastier this time, deeper, it shook something loose in his chest. He pushed himself up hurriedly to spit out a mouthful of phlegm and then fell back with a very quiet groan. Whine, whine, whine. It was an actual whine for a moment, echoing out of his throat before he strangled it. "Mostly fine. The pills were... 'bout an hour. No more for another three at least, 'less you wanna leave here by another route." Like the dead one.

He cleared his throat and growled raspily at Hoshika. The dog flicked an ear at him before standing with a graceful flex of fine-boned legs and stepping off the blanket. She circled around behind Kakashi, caught her teeth in the edge of his armour and helped him roll closer to Ginta, before yanking the blanket straight again. Smart dog. She padded back around and tucked herself neatly against Ginta's back, stretching out to give him as much warmth as possible.

Kakashi tried to work out a way he could lie closer to the other ninja without hurting him. "I warn you," he muttered, "You get grabby and you're losing more then just those ribs."
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