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[Feb. 29th, 2008|01:21 am]
Haruichi didn't much feel like confessing that he couldn't translocate to save his own life inside a building, not to mention the fact he didn't have the energy to try by this stage in the shenanigans. He felt even less like telling Kakashi how and why he'd earned a belt across the face from one of the most peaceable individuals the planet had ever known. Not least because if Rin-sensei had slapped him for it, he was more than sure Kakashi would find the motive to kill him.

"Ask Tsunade-sama if she ever comes back. I'm sure it's a tale she tells at parties." Haruichi replied shortly, but with no bite that his previous words had held, even though his cheeks went even redder. "And it's going to have to be carrying." With that he crouched down with bent knees and hauled Kakashi up much the same way he'd dragged him down in the first place, arms around his chest, back of his head against his breastbone, and started tugging him - bare, bruised heels dragging - down the stairwell. "This is going-" Breathe. Step. "-to be-" Breathe. Step. Step. "-absurdly sore-" Step. Step. Step. Breathe. Step. Step. "-and you deserve it."

Though Haruichi's focus was less on how un-fun it must be for Kakashi to be dragged with his heels thumping bruises upon bruises down the stairs and more on how much effort it was taking just to navigate the stairs backwards on the balls of his feet hefting a load like this. By the time they reached the Infirmary Haruichi was practically wobbly-kneed and the effort it took to elbow open the door, though his finest moment came when - upon levering Kakashi back onto the exam table at an entirely awkward angle he wound up slipping on a patient file he'd left on the floor and nearly fell on his face. Nearly, because he wound up catching himself on the exam table in possibly the most graceless save the world had ever seen. Haruichi yanked himself back up to his feet, hissing to himself about that, and got the IV into Kakashi's arm and taped it in this time and found the pillow for his grey-haired head again. "Go to sleep, Hatake," he muttered, too tired to think of much else to say.
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