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[Feb. 29th, 2008|01:18 am]

Kakashi's vision was starting to tunnel again. The crack as his cheek hit the skirting didn't particularly help. He fought looming unconsciousness on the grounds that he actually wanted to hear the rest of that story. Haruichi's scent had changed, along with his skin tone, colouring from the lead-tones of anger and the bitter note of something that struck a chord with the black hole in Kakashi's chest, to a scent that was a whole lot warmer. A scent that was more him. A scent, Kakashi thought, that was definitely embarrassment.

That was a much better thing to focus on then anything else. Including the fact that he still couldn't move.

"Translocate?" he managed, forcing the word out of lips that felt numb. Riding along on someone else's translocation was always miserable, but it was a better thing then dying because a medic slipped on the stairs and dropped him on his head. Kakashi swallowed, too tired to pull a face at the taste of bile. "What'd y'do?"

Rin never slapped anyone. He'd known her five years and she'd never slapped him, even when he'd deserved it.
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