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[Feb. 29th, 2008|01:03 am]

That hurt.

In fact, that really hurt. Kakashi winced and bit back a yelp as his head met hard armour on one side and equally hard floor on the other. The fact that Haruichi had taken off his hitai-ate off earlier meant he lacked even that scant protection against minor concussion. The fact that he was too busy feeling like he'd ripped out all his chakra coils and braided them to block Haruichi's very basic hit was the most upsetting thing, though.

Well, that and the fact that it made him throw up again.

In the midst of all his dry-heaving, Kakashi decided he needed to stop thinking in facts. They weren't helping.

Neither was the chuunin staring at him, Haruichi, back at him, the mess he'd made on the carpet, Haruichi once again, and finally Kakashi's unmasked face, with wide green eyes. Kakashi growled. It hurt the acid-scorched mess that was now his throat, but it made the chuunin back up a hasty step. Then another when Kakashi dragged his hands underneath him and set them against the floor. In the time it took the copy-nin had realized there was absolutely no way he was getting up--about three seconds--the chuunin was a fast moving blur disappearing around the corner.

Kakashi slumped back down and considered what Haruichi had snarled at him. It took him less then three seconds to decide Haruichi no longer merited his Shit List. Haruichi deserved a brand new list all of his own. In fact, Haruichi deserved many things, including a throttling as soon as Kakashi could move.

Except he couldn't move.

He could, however, talk. Mostly. And Haruichi could damn well lip-read now if he couldn't hear Kakashi's voice clearly. "Every person who ever took a scratch on my account is dead, Hyuuga. They don't care how hard you hit me."

There was vomit on the floor. It was pretty much all Kakashi could smell. Obito's eye was still leaking salt-water down the left side of his face, even though he'd closed it. Stupid cry-baby Obito. At least he had Rin to keep him company. And Sensei. And half the damn village.

Everyone important.

Kakashi couldn't work his fingers with enough accuracy to drag his mask back up, but he could cover his lower face with one hand. It stopped Haruichi seeing the way his mouth twisted into an ugly broken line.
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