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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:58 am]
Haruichi's eyes had narrowed to angry little slits at Kakashi's words (that's what you got for trying to be considerate around here, he supposed) and then widened in utter surprise when Kakashi was suddenly no longer there.

Alright. That was it. That was absolutely, unquestionably, inexorably it. Haruichi's temper snapped like the frayed rubber-band it was and he was back on his feet in a millisecond, and without a second's consideration for the face he'd just been sealed not two full days ago and certainly hadn't slept since, he activated his Byakugan and went looking for the little bastard. The selfish, ignorant, fucked-up little bastard that he was and wasn't it just as fucking well that Rin-sensei wasn't alive to see this. Hinaji too, since she'd have had more than a few choice words for what was about to happen and plenty of them would be aimed at her cousin.

He spotted a shape prone on the floor above, puke and angst all over the floor nearby. Yes. That'd be the one. Closing down his eyes and having to shove his palm against his aching forehead again, Haruichi unlocked and opened the closet door, dragged out Kakashi's armour by the strap, then unlatched and opened the Infirmary door before heading up the stairs.

Haruichi found Kakashi collapsed half on his side having thrown up on the floor. His immediate instinct was to re-break his arm and leave him there. He very, very, very nearly did it. Haruichi had been driven past caring if Arakaki-taichou threw him back onto the streets, or if his family caught and killed him; he was too tired and too angry to even think about anything except that he was drowning here. The grim, lunatic tides of ANBU were closing over his head and apparently he couldn't swim. He couldn't force the ANBU to be sensible, or to look after their health, or to let him treat them - not if he couldn't manage it with the first one he dealt with. And if he couldn't do that then it wouldn't be happening at all. Haruichi was a chuunin, he was a Hyuuga, and he'd been a soldier for a long time - but if Kakashi wasn't planning on accepting him for a medic then Haruichi would make sure he accepted for what else he was.

Pissed off.

Before Kakashi could say a word, not that he was likely to have had much to say, Haruichi had swung his armour right at his head and cracked him one for the ages. "That was for every medic who wasted their time and their energy on you," he snapped coldly and loudly. "And the next one will be for every person who took so much as a scratch for your sorry sake, and the rest will be because I fucking feel like it, Hatake! And what are you looking at?" Haruichi swivvelled his head to glare at the desk chuunin who'd been walking past the junction they were at and had stopped with his mouth quite agape. "Haven't you heard of doctor-patient confidentiality, get the hell on with your business!"
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