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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:46 am]
Eyeing Kakashi, Haruichi had to agree with the first part of that - if he had to haul Kakashi back to the exam table he'd definitely break something trying, nominally Hatake's face. "If I could be shot of you, rest assured that you would have been out on your ear with a foot up your ass hours ago, idiot," Haruichi snapped - his minimal patience finally failing in the face of Kakashi's utter disrespect. "However my new job involves refraining from such behaviour in lieu of keeping you fit and healthy. You have to stay here with an IV in your arm for five more hours. You can spend the time on the floor or you can spend it on the table, I don't give a damn which, but you will spend it being treated."

Haruichi's white eyes were focussed furiously on Kakashi's, not backing down for hell nor high water. He had had it with this nonsense. Absolutely had it. As if Kakashi's need to bleed and screw around carelessly with his health was more important than his work as the medic. As if any medic's importance was to be pushed aside like that: Hinaji wouldn't have stood for it, Rin-sensei wouldn't have stood for it, and Haruichi wasn't going to stand for it.

The difference was Haruichi was in ANBU now, and ANBU were allowed to knock hell out of people who got in the way of completing their mission. Haruichi wondered if that was what it was going to take. That or a syringe of sedative... oh wait, that was right - he didn't have any yet. So knocking hell out of people it may just have to be. A fact he wasn't about to conceal as he glared at Kakashi and got up to his feet, temper clearly frayed and biting his tongue to keep from saying any of the hundred ugly things at his disposal.

"Think about it, Kakashi. Have you ever known a medic to take this shit from a patient?" he snapped, already having turned away.
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