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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:35 am]
Slowly pushing himself up to his feet, Haruichi knocked his hair off his shoulder and watched Kakashi's struggling progress across the floor. "At least I can stand up," he remarked, turning his back on Kakashi as he reached up with one hand to fix the IV rig the idiot had so carelessly ruined. His other hand was still pressed against his aching forehead, but the pain was slowly dying back and Haruichi wondered if he should or shouldn't care so much about it since it was nowhere near as excruciating as having the seal activated.

For not the first time, and certainly not the last, he forced thoughts of his family and the seal away and threw himself into his work instead - once the IV rig was righted and the tubes capped, ready for new inserts to be fitted, he deigned to look back at Kakashi - who was guaranteed to spend the next few minutes flailing around like a moron either looking for his armour or an escape route while trying and failing to stand properly. He'd fail on all three counts, of course, because Haruichi had locked his armour in the closet and locked the door to the Infirmary, and standing was going to be a problem for a guy with bruises the size of coffee-rings on his heels. Haruichi might have fixed everything that the enemy had done to him, but there'd been no way in hell he was fixing the injuries Kakashi had inflicted upon himself. He had to draw the line somewhere

It was vaguely entertaining, though, watching him tire himself out even more - even if Haruichi was feeling an angry buzz at the way all his good work in making Kakashi healthy, healed and comfortable was being torn apart. He wondered if this idiot had learned a single thing from Rin-sensei in the years they'd been together, because he was most certainly disrespecting just about everything she'd ever have done with her life acting like this. Not that Haruichi would be bringing up her name, viewing it as a line ill-judged to cross. He wasn't going to kill himself with idiocy so long as he was in the Infirmary, Haruichi could be patient. To a point. The young Hyuuga sighed internally, glancing up to the clock on the wall (three a.m.? joy.) and then wringing water out his shirt before going back to sit and file the medical reports. "Once you've finished being a moron let me know," he called over a folder. "Should the day ever come, that is."
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