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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:30 am]
Sure enough, Haruichi did land in that puddle. Mostly because he was too surprised by Kakashi's little counter-attack in the first moment, and spent the second moment tossing the glass across the room so he didn't smash it when he landed and take somebody's eye out. An ickly squelch sounded under the thud of Haruichi hitting the floor, knee, tailbone, shoulder, head - the last of those being the more problematic, given what had been done to his head since he'd last slept.

The impact of his skull on the carpet cracked around his temples to drive right into his forehead, where his seal gave a furious screech of pain at the disturbance. Haruichi bit the inside of his cheek to not let a sound out, trying to deaden the pain, and forced himself to sit up - because he was in the middle of something and he could be crippled with brain damage later once this little prick was seen to. It was with all that ferocity in mind that he forced himself to sit and glare at him, save that...

...well, his vision jarred and his expression was most certainly one of anger, but when Haruichi sat up and found himself looking at a half-dead ANBU, still clutching his ankle, glaring like fury, and having managed a feat like that - Haruichi wound up dizzily smirking. Impressed as all hell, and it must've been evident even though his hand was clutching hard at his throbbing forehead and he was having to look around his wrist at Kakashi's face.

"Damn, I'm good at my job," he observed, wavering slightly and soaking wet and utterly self-satisfied.
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