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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:23 am]

"And I told you to leave me the hell alone," Kakashi said, just as evenly. "For pretty much exactly the same reason." The floor looked a disturbingly long distance away. A two foot drop was nothing for a ninja that could fling himself a dozen times that distance to land neatly on a wire, but suddenly the gulf between metal table and grey carpet seemed a whole lot more difficult. Kakashi used the time spent steeling himself for the drop to pull the IV out of his hand with a little jerk. The rip of tape tearing free from skin was oddly loud in the small room, as was the clatter when he let the needle fall.

Now he just needed to stand up.

Kakashi eyed the Hyuuga, weighing the likelihood of an attempted braining with the glass he was holding, and pushed himself up with his right hand, lifting his hips to slide off the table. His feet hit the floor with a gentle slap of bruised skin against rug and Kakashi let out a sharp breath. That relief lasted right up until his knees buckled. He fell, twisted, caught the edge of the table with his elbow and added a nice bruise to his arm before he hit the floor.

Then the table tipped over.
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