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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:20 am]

Kakashi's hope turned on him like a blade, and gouged a fresh piece from the black hole lurking beneath his ribcage. He endured the bright new hurt, waiting for it to fold back in on itself and become a shadow of the real thing. Waiting for it to become bearable again. It was a foolish hope, but there wasn't any alternative he was willing to take. He missed her--them--with every shattered beat of his very stupid heart, but he wasn't willing to join them yet. Not yet.

He wasn't willing to be here, either. Stuck in this tiny room with a teenage Hyuuga who didn't listen and wasn't her. Who did her job because she wasn't here to do it. Whose ice struck sparks off Kakashi's grief and spun it into rage because that was easier to deal with.

Shoving himself up one-handed on the table was an exercise in solid willpower. Kakashi curled his left hand close to his chest as he did so, and made it upright with a faint gasp. His expression stayed perfectly neutral. Turning to swing his legs off the frozen metal almost overbalanced him, he checked himself and tried again. "Where's my armour?"
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