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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:15 am]

Kakashi woke up on his side on what felt like a morgue table. For a confused moment he wondered if he'd died on the staircase and there'd been some sort of celestial mix up, then he remembered he didn't believe in that sort of thing. Plus there was a pillow. And a blanket. Morgue tables generally came with neither. Kakashi opened his eyes a crack and realized he could see with both of them, he closed the left hurriedly before the sting could bite into his face.

It was hard to think. He was tired enough that it hurt, but he didn't know where he was. That was never a good state to wake up in. He needed to figure it out before he could decide if it was safe enough to go back to sleep. The last thing he remembered was fighting a losing battle up a staircase and getting taken down because... his eyebrows drew down. Because there had been a someone that wouldn't move. A medic...

Which was about the time Kakashi realized that while his left arm still ached, it wasn't the grating, ugly pain of before. It was a dull feeling, easily tolerable. He looked down carefully to see a light splint stretched from elbow to wrist. His right hand felt perfectly fine, even when he clenched his fingers into a fist. A little flare on the back of that same hand announced the presence of an IV needle. He followed the slender, transparent tube with up to an IV stand. Intravenous fluids mostly. Dextrose to raise his blood sugar, something that was probably a mild sedative--which explained the cotton fluff feeling in his head--and a third bag of what might be painkillers.

That seemed like overkill.

His armour was gone, and his hitai-ate along with it, but his mask was still in place, drawn firmly up to the bridge of his nose. He couldn't smell the scent of anyone but himself on it, which meant it hadn't been touched. There was a blanket. And a pillow. Every single one of his bruises had been healed with the care he only knew one person possessed.

Kakashi turned his head slightly, searching, and felt a hope so savage it burned him when he found what he wanted to see. A small, slim, dark-haired person seated on the floor, surrounded by medical files.

It hadn't been true, the last three weeks. It hadn't been true.

His voice broke from a very long way away. "Rin?"
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