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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:14 am]
Though he'd seen it coming, Haruichi still blinked in surprise when the ANBU in front of him fell unconscious. Well, tried to fall - because Haruichi's hands snatched out and grabbed the taller boy by the shoulder and elbow, pushed him securely against the wall and there was absolutely no more falling to be done now that idiot-brains wasn't in charge of himself anymore.

Not that Haruichi thought he had been when he snarled that last part out loud. Because now he had the sinking sensation he knew who this was, and what might be going on.

Scowling, he took a half-second to work out how to do this right, then levered the rest of the unconscious agent's weight into his care, shifted him around so his feet dragged on the ground but the rest was heaved up in front of the medic's chest and Haruichi managed to awkwardly drag him down the stairs backwards, with only his booted heels thumping one by one down the steps.

Hell, that was what you got for passing out on a flight of stairs. And this was Haruichi being nice, because even now he was severely tempted to drag him all the way to the Infirmary by his thatchy silver hair.

But no, he thought as he elbowed open the door to the stairwell and started dragging his patient through the hall and past the highly bemused stare of the chuunin at the desk, not this one - even if he royally deserved it. Haruichi managed to shove open the door to the stairs for the basements and kept going until he was back in the familiar and safe surroundings of the Infirmary. Another heave of effort and he had him up on the metal exam table, even managing to nudge a pillow under his head before it thumped off the hard metal.

The door was shut. The lights all turned on and the kit-cart he'd spent two hours yesterday re-assembling and stocking wheeled over. Haruichi looked at the unconscious and bleeding scrap of life on his exam table and gritted his back teeth fiercely. Idiot. Then he let the few memories he had of Rin-sensei flit through his mind and sighed. Idiot with a reason, he supposed. Not that he'd admit it ever.

"The infamous Hatake Kakashi," he muttered, getting his surgical tools out and wondering how long this kind of surgery was supposed to take. Haruichi had dealt broken bones before, during the Kyuubi attack, but that'd been pre-amble until they got to the hospital. Plus Kakashi had more than just the broken arm to worry about. Burnt hand, chakra exhaustion, plenty of deep tissue bruising and what looked like dehydration to some degree.

Well, he'd needed the practice hadn't he? Haruichi got to work.
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