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Fallen Leaves

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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:10 am]
Despite himself, Haruichi glanced left and right and up in an effort to locate the reason this half-dead moron had suddenly felt the need to make himself even more loudly heard. As if anyone with an ounce of common sense would broadcast their idiocy on all frequencies like he was doing. "I get the feeling dealing with you people is going to mean taking that risk," Haruichi snarled, his temper finally flaring up in indignant frustration - how the hell was he supposed to take care of any of these lunatics if this was what came of it? "Because like it or not, this perpetual self-sacrificing pity-party you twats in black have going on here has been crashed. Your old medic is dead, I'm here now. Unfortunate as you may find it, life goes on. Now turn around and get moving unless you want me to try and treat you right here."
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