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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:09 am]

Kakashi studied the supposed medic and his identical double, blinking hard until the two resolved into one person. He'd already noticed the Hyuuga was short, young, and barefoot, but now he was picking out other details. A white t-shirt and black combats did not a medic's uniform make. Nor did he see a hitai-ate or scarlet spiral tattoo, or even a set of dogtags to declare the teenager's claim to be a medic as true. The attitude gave him a point in that regard, but for all Kakashi knew he could be a snotty, suicidal civilian that had gotten horribly lost and wanted to pick a fight. Civilians were insane, you never knew what they could do.

"Been to the hospital already," he said with perfect honesty and a scowl. "If you're really a medic you should go there and help people who actually need it." Stopping had been a mistake. Stopping mid-staircase had definitely been a critical error in judgement. Kakashi renewed his hold on the railing and steadied himself. Either the Hyuuga was screaming or there was a roar in his ears, and that was never good. He jerked his head hard enough to crack his neck and locked his knees before he carried out the Hyuuga's threat for him and pitched his own way down the steps. "You can try kicking me," he added, raising his voice to speak over the noise. "Just as long as you don't mind losing a foot."
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