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Fallen Leaves

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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:08 am]
For the sake of that grating little drawl, Haruichi oh-so-quietly scowled and didn't for a second bat an eye for the death-glare being hurled at him from the other ANBU's dark eyed depths. There was a moment to wonder why his other eye was covered (because chances were astronomically against him being allowed in ANBU with only one working eye... surely) or why his face was mostly hidden by a mask but Haruichi, with the triage instinct of a pragmatic bastard, decided that if he was going to ponder anything, it'd damn well be what mattered.

"You're bloody right there's no medic in the Infirmary. He's standing in Stairwell Two inbetween the first and ground floors being pathetically bitched at by a patient who can barely stand," Haruichi snapped authoritatively, his impatience showing - pale as this one probably usually was, nobody should be as white as the small patch of skin he could see was. "And unless you want me to kick you down these stairs and have even more injuries to practice my healing arts on, you'll stop climbing and come and get some proper medical attention right now."
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