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[Feb. 29th, 2008|12:06 am]

Kakashi let go of his arm to grab onto the steel banister and steady himself, upward progress arrested now the Hyuuga brat was blocking the way. His hound mask was pushed to one side of his head, which meant the apparently insane ninja--he had to be a ninja, most Hyuuga were, and only ninja ever got this stupid around other ninja--could really appreciate the one-eyed glare Kakashi was giving him. "It goes stunningly with the Unwanted Interference you're oozing all over the stairs, then. Well done us."

If he really focused he could drag up some actual killing intent and hope it was enough to make the Hyuuga drop down dead. Or at least fall over for a bit. Kakashi wasn't entirely sure he was currently capable of delivering a blow that was up to accomplishing the task.

"There's no medic in the Infirmary," he drawled, letting his words lengthen into something entirely more irritating then a simple snap would be. "Which is unfortunate, because if you don't get out of my way you're going to need one."

Fuck the fact that the world was blurring, he was an ANBU now. ANBU could fight under any conditions.
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