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[Feb. 28th, 2008|02:58 am]
"Ah." A few years. Probably not five then, though why he'd been hoping for that, Ryuichi didn't really know. How would that help? Besides, just being in the service that long didn't mean they would know every agent. Probably not know his sister. Ryuichi decided not to bring it up. Being a rookie was bad enough, being a rookie who asked about his dead sister was worse. Sentimentality wasn't becoming of anyone. Just brought you down, and why bother, when you could just hit something, and feel so much better? Yeah, exactly.

Ryuichi stayed a respectful few feet back from his newest acquaintance, more out of habit than anything else. Most ninja didn't like having their personal bubble invaded. Most of the people Ryuichi knew got violent when it was. He had no overpowering desire to get decked. Arriving at a mission briefing with a black eye wasn't fun. People stared.

"Dunno. Two years, or until I make jounin. Whichever comes first."

Two was a good number, if he could survive that long without taking too much damage. Permanent, that was. Ryuichi might make Jounin in a year ("might" being the key word there), but defiantly not before that. He had no illusions about the fact, seeing as most of his captains swore he was nothing but a stupid brat who needed to learn how to fight properly before he died in a bad way. Well, screw you guys, I can kill things just fine, thank you all very much. There's a reason I get assigned to you bastards in the first place, isn't there?

Ryuichi had gotten smacked by a great many of his captains. He was beginning to wonder if it was a trend.
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