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[Jun. 16th, 2008|06:39 am]
Yuzuya paid for the entire check despite Kotetsu's protests. "It's fine, seriously," he insisted for the third time. Had the kid forgotten his silence was being bought here? If he had, good for Yuzu, but... "You can get the check next time."

Outside, the dinnertime village streets was dying down into the quieter pace of night. Yuzuya nodded to Kotetsu, his gaze shying away from the younger ANBU's. The thought of his dead teammates brought up things he hadn't remembered for months. He felt like being alone for a while, and the sooner the better. He stretched his neck a little as if tired, and gave Kotetsu a half-smile. "Well... I'd better be going, got a mission leaving at 0500 tomorrow and I need some rest." He started to walk away, a lone figure in the crowd, and raised a hand in a parting wave. "Thanks for the company, Hagane. See you."
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