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[Jun. 14th, 2008|05:38 am]
Yuzuya visibly relaxed, his shoulders loosening. "Okay. Just as long as we have that settled. Cause no offense, it's totally fine with me if you like guys, some of my friends, do too. But I really-- well, not that I have any time for women, to be honest, with work-- but, they're way nicer to look at. No offense," he repeated. So thankful that he wouldn't be hurting any feelings.

So Kotetsu liked someone else, huh? Now that was cause for celebration. Just as long as it wasn't him. Yuzuya delivered half of the rest of the sushi to Kotetsu's plate, and slapped the rest onto his. Kotetsu was left to watch his dinner partner generously distributing the ginger and wasabi. It looked as if Yuzuya thought he was some kind of jolly holiday elf of brotherly tolerance. I'm okay, you're okay. Let's celebrate!
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