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Fallen Leaves

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[Jun. 12th, 2008|05:05 pm]
It was at this point in the conversation that something new occurred to Yuzuya. As he digested this information from his dinner partner, his face began to turn slowly and decidedly scarlet.

Oh dear gods.

He fidgeted on the booth's pleather bench and a tiny corner of his brain automatically started going through a mental rundown of all available escape routes just in case he needed them. A shinobi was always ready for a quick getaway when need be. Yuzuya gave the kid a once-over. Kotetsu sat there drinking his prissy girl tea, all young and cute and looking so very breakable. 'It's good for dates.' You are such an asshole, Yuzu reprimanded himself.

The world's biggest, the little voice in his head answered with a smile.

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