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[May. 4th, 2008|01:59 am]
"Rules against hazing don't mean much if there's no one who's really backing them up," Yuzu commented, quirking an eyebrow at Kotetsu. "But the administration is looking out for more of that these days. Took a council member's grandson getting beat on to make them start, though."

Yuzuya's second beer and another mixed plate of sushi arrived by way of the waiter, and Yuzu latched on to beer number two. "But anyway. I was just too young, you know? I thought of ANBU as like knights on white horses. First few missions on sabotage destroyed that pretty quick."

There was a brief pause as Yuzu gulped some of his beer. He nodded to the second plate of sushi. "Eat up, eat up."
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