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[Feb. 24th, 2008|05:13 am]

Eyelids were a pain in the ass, Raidou decided. They wouldn't listen to his demands to stay open. The fourth time they slid closed without his say-so, he gave up the battle, turning his head slightly to hide the left side of his face against the pillow. Genma was there, Raidou could hear him breathing. Knew he'd be able to see him if he could gain some mastery once more over his stupid, stubborn eyelids. He was right there, less then ten feet away--the distance felt like a gulf and nothing all at once--and safe. They were both safe. Alive and out of danger because they were home. "When were we... ever th' ones... dead?" he asked, trying to comprehend.

They'd never died. He'd remember, surely?

Maybe that was the joke.

Raidou fought the soft shroud of sleep long enough to say, "'kay. Hol' you to tha', Gen." Maybe he'd get Genma a bell anyway. That could be a better joke. Raidou slipped into fever dreams without a murmur, truly relaxing for the first time in a week.
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