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[Feb. 24th, 2008|05:11 am]

Genma tolerated the medic's hand, quieted a little, but not entirely, until Raidou spoke. "Yeah.... Yeah. Should," he agreed, and tried to find a way to put into words the complicated set of thoughts and emotions that had led to his laughter. His usually quick mind was mired in the syrupy confines of sedatives and painkillers and exhaustion, though, and while something had gone skipping over the surface like a flat pebble and triggered his laughs, he couldn't really find a way to say it in a way that made sense.

In the end he settled for, "We're not the ones dead this time." Which wasn't really it, but he didn't know what else to say. And he couldn't ask about that Night. Even if he and Raidou had been alone, it would have been a hard topic to broach. Did we seriously hold hands all night like a couple of teenage lovers? Hands? Seriously? No, seriously? Hands? He certainly couldn't ask when he felt so close to the edge of something resembling delirium himself, with Raidou already over it.

Raidou was fighting sleep. Genma could feel himself fighting it as well, especially now that he was warm and calm, with pain eased and nausea depressed by the same jutsu he'd cast on Raidou the night after the disastrous birthday party. He blinked slowly back at Raidou, still smiling softly.

"Go to sleep, Rai. Promise I'll still be here when you wake up. No bell."
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