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[Feb. 24th, 2008|05:02 am]

Had some issues probably translated to someone fucked up. When this was all over, Raidou would find out who and make that person eat floor. He'd began the mission that way, after all, it was probably some sort of karmic balance to end it in the same manner. Either that or Genma had done what Raidou had spent the last two days fearing he would, and gotten a whole lot worse. But he looked okay now. Mostly okay. He was awake and breathing and talking. His current array of machines were beeping a quiet, gentle rhythm rather then a shattering clamor that spelled Bad Things. He looked exactly like a ninja who'd faced a tough mission and dragged himself through to the other side.

"You're always late," said Raidou, still in the low rasp that was all his voice could manage. "One day I'm going to put a bell on you so I know where you are half the time." That wasn't really the question Genma had been asking, though. He wanted to know how long he'd been gone. How much time he'd lost. Raidou would've been delighted to tell him, but he didn't have the answer. He hadn't particularly cared about the answer, either, until Genma had decided to show up and make it important. "I don't..." His eyebrows drew down in a frown as he tried to think around the fog of fever. "I'm not sure."

One of the medics came to his rescue. "You were both checked in at..." he consulted a chart, "1832. It's now 2340."

Five hours.

Raidou blinked slowly. "Definitely a bell," he said finally.
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