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[Feb. 24th, 2008|04:40 am]

Genma's voice did what none of the medic's had even gotten close to. It stopped Raidou cold. His hand stilled, his aching muscles ceased their struggles, and for the first time in what felt like hours, he focused. Genma was there. He was right there. He was alive and okay and breathing--definitely breathing because he was shouting at medics. From the agitated flock of people around his angry friend, Raidou guessed someone had done something wrong. He didn't care. Genma was okay. As far as Raidou was concerned that made everything rosy.

And then the jounin pinned him down.

Raidou made a noise that began deep in his chest and snarled out, as deadly as a lion's roar, and threw himself against the chains. Metal rattled, the bed creaked, and a medic shoved him back down before he could dislocate something. Raidou's fight was short-lived. Between the fever cooking him on the inside, the bruises wearing him on the outside, his long struggle with pain and panic and everything that kept going wrong, he just didn't have the reserves. Raidou went still and watched the struggle between his best friend and the people that wanted to help him. The jounin that he really, really wanted to leave a shoe print on. He found his voice a long way off and crushed it around some words. "Leave him alone."
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