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[Feb. 24th, 2008|04:38 am]

The sounds of clanking metal restraints fixed to a bed rail is distinctive and memorable. Genma had heard it enough to know that whatever was going on with Raidou wasn't good. He'd been restrained himself, back in those dark days after the Iwa mission, and he'd seen other ninja restrained. Delirium, paranoia, PTSD, acute psychotic conditions, pernicious genjutsu injuries, even some kinds of poisonings could earn a shinobi those cuffs. Hearing that on Raidou was just the end of the line for Genma. After a truly horrific day, he had no patience for any of it left.

"Rai?" he rasped. His voice was barely more than a raw-throated whisper. He pushed himself to be louder. "Rai? Raidou? What the hell is going on with him, what's wrong? Why's he tied up? Raidou?" He was halfway off the gurney before the attendants could stop him. "I'm going to fucking well kill every last one of you if I don't get some answers and now!" Genma demanded. Shouting now, and pulling on chakra he could ill-afford to be spending to set up a jutsu. The chakra monitor alarm shrilled, the heart monitor beat out a wild rhythm of anxiety, and the jounin medic who'd so lately restrained Raidou came hurrying back to the room.

There was a reason they tended to house ANBU patients on a separate floor.
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