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[Feb. 24th, 2008|04:36 am]

Tying down a ninja--especially an ANBU--is never an easy thing to accomplish. They are masters of the arts of escape, even one-handed and delirious. The jounin held Raidou down carefully with a hand on his chest and the other pinning his good arm, and ordered the medics--who were used to the sort of thing--to forget the leather restraints because a genin could break them. Instead they locked Raidou's ankles and good wrist into padded steel cuffs etched with seals that would bind his chakra. Between his fever and the amount of drugs already flooding his system, the doctor overseeing Raidou's case hesitated to add more and risk a cross-reaction by simply knocking him out.

The jounin suggested a nerve pinch, and was puzzled when the medics glared at him.

Raidou's right arm posed a problem. They couldn't leave it free for him to worry at his restraints, but neither could they chain it down and risk him ripping his shoulder wound open again. In the end they strapped the sling across his bare chest, immobilizing the arm completely with a several tight loops of bandage. They told him, several times, that his partner was being treated for poisoning. He was in critical condition but he was still alive. Raidou, lost in his maelstrom of fever and drugs and fear, simply didn't hear them.

Thirty minutes later, when Genma was wheeled into his room, he hadn't stopped struggling.
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