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We write, you wrong! [Nov. 9th, 2007|10:50 pm]

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The strike is still on, obviously.

First, watch this video.

Instead of linking to every single article, here are the blogs and other news sources you should follow if you're interested:
- Deadline Hollywood Daily
- LA Time Strike Blog
- Variety Strike Blog
- United Hollywood Strike Blog
- WGA's YouTube channel
- NoFactZone
- wga_supporters @ LJ

To help out:
- fans4writers.com - currently endorsed by most of the TDS/TCR online communities, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and add "including this one"
- addresses and phone numbers of the networks: one, two, three (Remember, TDS and TCR are owned by Viacom)

- Also: don't watch the reruns that are being shown in Jon and Stephen's timeslots, and don't watch streaming video at thedailyshow.com. I know. It hurts.

- an op-ed by Steve Bodow, TDS writer
- Video by Rob Kutner, another TDS writer
- Comedy Central's plan for the timeslots (I know it sounds cool - but please, don't watch. I or another fan can hook you up with non-revenue-generating clips if you wantneed some; just ask.)
- Ed Helms, Eric Drysdale (Bobby), and Steve Carell

And now for something completely of the shiny:
- Stephen Colbert at the Glamour Awards! Video and pictures!
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what we do today will be tomorrow's news [Nov. 5th, 2007|07:58 pm]

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[Current Mood | cynical]

There are no new shows today - the strike is on. But that doesn't mean there isn't news! (mostly x-posted from my journal)

I'm following this blog and this blog (and of course NFZ). Highlights include:

- TDS and TCR did not tape today, nor Leno, nor Ellen
- Steve Carell didn't show up to tape The Office, so that show may be lagging, writers or no
- Barack Obama supports the writers
- There's a probably false rumor going around that Jon will pay writers and staff of both shows to strike
- Jon and Stephen MIGHT be back in some limited way if the strike lasts more than a few weeks
- showrunner Shawn Ryan explains why he's striking (this is very eloquent; read it)
- John Oliver and Eric Drysdale on the picket lines in NYC
- NFZ solicits ideas for how we the Colbert Nation can help - with one particularly interesting comment ...

Also: Stephen called in to a radio show this morning (The-Brown-Haired-Guy-Who's-Not-Steve-Doocey and the Judge), and it's being quoted EVERYWHERE! (He should sue, it'd give him something to do during the strike....)

And Jon Stewart will be on the Biography channel this week. I don't get that channel! WOE! (He's also got an interview in the Nov. 15 issue of Rolling Stone.)
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SIGH. [Nov. 1st, 2007|10:43 pm]

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[Current Mood | disappointed]

The writer's strike is on, and .... well, spoiler. Combine those two? These next couple months could be a LOT less fun than I'd hoped. SIGH.

... I think I won't speculate about what might be on the shows tonight. *grabs wine, prepares to drown Stephen's sorrows*


Oh, and tonight's guests: Jerry Seinfeld and Walter Kirn.
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Warrior-Poet [Oct. 31st, 2007|07:52 pm]

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The writer's strike MIGHT hold off for a few days! That would be nice!

Check out Jon's new Sesame Street segment before YouTube deletes it. D: (Did I link to Anderson Cooper's?)

Looks like Stephen might end up running only as a Democrat...

Here's some more video of Candidate Colbert making his pitch to the SC Dems!

David Gregory video on the Colbert/Edwards feud!

Valerie Plame was great last night, no? Today: William F. Buckley Jr. on TDS, and Colonel Lawrence Wilkersen (Colin Powell's Former Chief of Staff) on TCR. Here's hoping for Halloween hijinks! (... and maybe something about the writer's strike, too.)
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