Friday, June 20th, 2014

Who: Nymphadora Tonks (Lupin), Remus Lupin & all of their guests
What: A Kidnapping & A Wedding
When: Friday, June 20th
Where: Monet's Garden in Giverny, France
Rating: P for Pink!

You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams - Dr. Seuss )
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Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

Who: Lorcan and Kirley
What: Having a talk
When: Early evening
Where: Astronomy tower
Rating: low

And so he waited. )
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Sunday, April 13th, 2014

who: Duke, Heath & anyone who came
what: concert
when: friday, 9pm (backdated because liiife)
where: pub

at some point this might contain a set list )
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Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Protect the village!

Who: Everyone else!
What: Protect the village!
When: Afternoon - All night
Where: The Goblin Village
Rating: TBD

Protect the village! )
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Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Who: Lorcan and Kirley
What: After effects
When: after the effects of the arrow wore off. Wee hours of the morning.
Where: Kirley's room
Rating: TBD

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. Two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one. )
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Wednesday, December 25th, 2013

Presents everywhere. )
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Friday, December 20th, 2013

Who: Duke & Lorcan
What: Having a drink
Where: Pub
When: Friday evening
Rating: Low - medium (usual rockstar shenanigans)

every chance to leave is another chance I shoulda took. )
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Monday, November 25th, 2013

who: Duke & - open -
what: playing guitar on a street corner (almost coming to terms with life)
when: Monday afternoon
where: near the shops
rating: medium? mention of drug use, language, those types of things.

sorry he has to do all the things right now and sorry for the wall of text. )
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Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

Who: Lavender & Kirley
Where: Outside the Clothing Shop
What: Chatting.
When: Saturday Afternoon

Another day in 'paradise.' )
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Who: Kirley and Lorcan
What: Kirley sees dead people.
When: Shortly after Kirley's arrival
Where: By the shops.
Rating: TBD

Read more... )
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