Saturday, September 28th, 2013

The Masquerade Ball


Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you. Masquerade! Every face a different shade. Masquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you. )
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Friday, June 28th, 2013

Welcome to the First Official Game-Wide Plot!


Welcome to the Hedge Maze!

By early Friday evening the mist had lifted from the maze. For those who've been waiting it is clear that now entry is now possible. But through which door shall they venture? For there are six entrances to chose from. 6 doors leading to six paths to the center which will find many adventurers and lure them inside. Once inside, the door closes behind them. They cannot leave until they solve the maze. From the outside the maze looked modest, but on the inside it is clear it is more than it seems. The walls are a good 20 feet high. And when the adventurers try to climb them, before they reach the top, the magic of the village knocks them back to the ground. You will not peek over the edge, nor climb the walls. You also cannot apparate inside the maze or out of it. You must follow your path to it's end. Adventure is waiting.

When your character reaches the end of the hedge maze they will find a door. But in order to open that door and reach the center they must first solve the puzzle. Once the puzzle has been solved and the door opened, they will walk into a room which is located in the very center; the heart of the maze. In it they will find a rather large, ornate and yet gruesome looking pensive. At it's base it looks as if hands are rising up from the ground to reach for the memories. Around it's pillar, and all the way to it's top are images of distorted faces etched in stone, and limbs outstretched reaching desperately from the confines of it's sculpting, as if struggling for release. For some they will find a memory waiting for them. The others, a vial of unknown liquid. A potion perhaps? It looks so very much like Felix Felicis, but is it really? Perhaps. They pocket it and wait to make a choice. a.) Once viewing the memory you've been given and choosing to return it to the pensive or keeping it, B.) After receiving your mysterious vial, you will gradually fall into a deep slumber.

When you awake, you'll find yourself returned to your tree house, and in your own bed. Was it all just a dream?

Rules and Guidelines.

1. You can find the map here. It will show you the general outline of your path and the statues you'll encounter along the way.
2. You may stray from your path, but you cannot stumble onto one of the other paths.
3. You can be injured, within reason.
4. You must reach the center.
5. Your character can bring their journal with them, and write as they progress along.
6. The maze is huge. It will take at the least, 8 hours to reach the center. This is taking into account the obstacles which hinder your progress.
7. Not all characters have to enter at the same time or on the same day. This event will run for ten days, beginning today! You can space it all out as you see fit.
8. Someone will find Lorcan's hat for him. So poke me in the dropbox and let me know if your character found it. *It's been claimed!*
9. The reminder of who gets which memory is posted here. Scroll down to the comments to read the memories.
10. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS ENTRY. Instead go and make journal entries and thread!

Information about the Statues )

Description of Obstacles )

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Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Plot Starting Point - Click to begin! )
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