April 2012

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March 29th, 2012

[info]remarkablysaved in [info]faewoodslines

Hiya! I'm Lisa (like..most of you didn't know me to begin with but whatever). I am bringing in Wendy Darling, Peter's "Wife" and mother to their "children". She is originally from Springwood, of which...I still need to add the part where there is a rumour that her mother cheated on her father with someone from Winterwood..hence the blonde hair..but that is neither here nor there.


so yeah.

  • 111 years old. Looks 18. Likes to say she is older than Peter..and taller too.

  • "married" to Peter.

  • Stitch-witch.

  • Really nice and playful, although when around a much more mature group, she tries to act older than she is.

  • She actually doesn't know what happens to her "children" when they disappear but trusts Peter that they are safe and taken care of which they're not. And she has never met Morgana (...right, Amy?)

  • She's protective of all her boys and loves every single one of them, Peter even more so.

  • Anything else, just shoot!

    [info]remarkableme in [info]faewoodslines

    Hello my lovelies. Some of you may know me from previous games as I tend to run with a lot of the current players here but I do notice some new names of which I am excited to meet! My name is Emmy and to give you a basic run down of myself. I am 25 years old. I am interested in work in the broadcasting field but am having little luck finding jobs so am a retail worker bee. I am getting married in June. I will have long discussions about film, music, and novels if given the opportunity. I live and breathe Harry Potter (WHICH IS HOW I KNOW MOST OF YOU BUT NOT ALL) and also --

    -- PETER PAN IS KIND OF MY FAVORITE CHILDHOOD STORY EVER. It is like crucial to know that about me. I take this shit seriously.


    THIS IS PETER. He's of course based off the actual story/archetype but has some key differences due to the nature of the game. He clearly doesn't have Neverland and we couldn't necessarily say faerie dust would help him fly otherwise everyone would be flying. So; he uses a pan pipe to help him get lifted off the ground and 'soar.' He hasn't taught anyone this. He is selfish and it is a noticeable trait.

    He convinces kids to join his numbers; knowing full well Morgana will eventually take them from him and he won't see them again. He isn't confirmed on the idea that they die but he isn't stupid. He has created an elaborate lie of "It is a honor to serve the Queen when she summons you" that he tells the boys. He's essentially brainwashing his kids. It is all part of his deal with Morgana for eternal childhood.

    But other then that -- it's PLAY PLAY PLAY all the time. He makes it known he's a mischievous brat and he makes peoples lives hell. It makes for a pretty damn good spy all in all; since people underestimate him typically.

    Oh and he's in love with Wendy. That is not a game. The whole husband/wife thing might be but the feelings aren't pretend.

    If/when we have pirates; he'll be a royal pain in their butts.