Fable Folk

July 2nd, 2008

July 2nd, 2008

Thomas Dekker: 131 Icons

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So, Thomas had to cut his hair for a role, and then he started growing it back out some and my GOD, but it's ridiculously HOT. And so I had to make more icons. (And a new character. *koff*)

If this boy doesn't inevitably end up in my stats (that I will one day do like all those other icon makers out there, I swear) as the subject with the most icons, I will be amazed. Amazed.

Oh, and a very, very few of these feature cameos by a couple of co-stars (Rumer & Lena and possibly some other random celebs. No Summer, I don't think yet. ALAS!) and his real life girlfriend. Eventually, I'll probably make icons of the whole SCC cast... and casts of all of Thomas's other projects and... Look, I'm sure everyone sees a pattern by now. :P

But in other news, I will probably do someone else next. Most likely Summer Glau, but that's not definite. Just highly probable.

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Thomas Dekker: 131 Icons )
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