Trans Guy Discussion - March 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 6th, 2009

UK trans Question [Mar. 6th, 2009|12:57 pm]
Cross-posted from [info]tguk  on LJ

I've been living as a man for about 4 years now, last year officially changed my name (took a while due to family troubles) and have seen my GP and also been to counselling sessions.

I finished all my consultations with psychiatrists and counsellors in summer last year, and they gave me the A-OK to go ahead. I received nothing from them since then.

So... I'll admit I didn't know if I had to contact the Charing Cross specialist hospital regarding it or if the counselling centre would do it, but I have heard nothing. I just don't know who to contact or how to go about it. I'd really like some help, as I now what to really get the ball moving.

Could someone give me some advice as how to go about all this?
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