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Eye of the Storm RPG

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[03 Jan 2011|08:01pm]

Who: Bellatrix and Draco
What: Draco has Bella's gift, and he needs some advice
When: January 3, 2005, evening
Where: Draco's flat
Rating/Status: Unknown/Incomplete

I couldn't sleep because of all the things she said / then I remembered her strange perfume )
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[02 Jan 2011|02:05am]

Who: Theodore Nott and other Slytherins
What: New Years Celebration
When: 11ish, 31 December, 2004
Where: Theo's flat, Knockturn Alley
Rating/Status: PG13ish

Flush )
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[01 Jan 2011|01:54am]

Who: Ginevra Weasley.
What: New Years Eve in Hogsmeade, observing and thinking. A one-shot.
When: December 31th, 2003, and the earliest hour of January 1st, 2004.
Where: Hogsmeade.
Rating/Status: G - Complete

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. )
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[30 Dec 2010|12:00am]

Who: Bellatrix Lestrange and Remus Lupin
What: Taunting and torture, you know, the normal
When: 29th December
Where: Azkaban
Rating/Status: High/Incomplete

it was time for the wicked witch to visit the little puppy )
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COMPLETED. [24 Dec 2010|08:21pm]

Who: Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley.
Where: Scotland: Train Station and onward!
When: Late evening, December 24th.
What: Hermione is coming for Christmas, and Ginny is meeting her. Plus Draco is a prat and sent Hermione a gift, and Ginny is not happy about this... because she DOES NOT APPROVE.
Rating: PG-13.

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
And a fire would be so delightful,
And since we've got place to go,
Stop the snow, stop the snow, stop the snow! )
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[24 Dec 2010|12:13am]

Who: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy
Where: A coffee shop in muggle London
When: Early morning, December 24th
What: Hermione and Draco meet by chance and a very strange conversation ensues
Rating: PGish?

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[23 Dec 2010|07:14am]

Owl Post:
To Harry James Potter,
Minister of Magic,
Level One,
The Largest Office. )
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