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posted on August the 17th


WHO: Lily Evans, James Potter (à la Prongs), Sirius Black (à la Padfoot)
WHAT: A night out (for two in animagus form)
WHEN: Night
SUMMARY: Lily, James and Sirius need an escape from stress, the boys want to go out in animagus form and Lily wants to avoid Bertha (and keep James away from her).
RATING: Moderate (A safe guess considering Sirius' presence)

A girl, a dog and a stag )

posted on August the 17th


WHEN Sometime in a galaxy far far away that has since exploded like a diamond in the sky...wot?
WHERE ...we're going to DISNEYLAND
RATING I mean...we're all here for fun. Go with your gut. Don't get offensive.
SUMMARY *puts on The Moldy Peaches- "Who's Got the Crack"*

She knew one thing for sure. She felt the overwhelming need to punt Rags-to-Riches Barbie in the face )

posted on August the 16th


WHO: Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom
WHAT: An outing, and then to eat and a club
WHEN: Late Morning
SUMMARY: Frank takes Alice out to London to chat about a new place to live, and then to eat and listen to music
RATING: Starting relatively low and ending high (if Frank gets his way)

Frank stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Alice to appear. )

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