Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


May 16th, 2012


Cookies, and Angels, and Mutants: Oh my!

Who: Matt Prept and Lucifer
What: Showing Lucifer where the cookies are kept, dealing with a lack of powers.
Where: Back kitchen car
When: Tuesday night
Warnings/Ratings: TBD
Status: Closed and Ongoing

Matt had never met the Devil before, but somehow, he had not foreseen it happening like this... )

[No Subject]

Characters: Rogue, Sookie and Eric
When: Tuesday afternoon
Location: Observation Car
Warnings/Rating: None, more than likely
Summary: Rogue and Sookie find out what they'd look like with different colored hair.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

She'd found art supplies in the Baggage Car and decided to draw some dinosaurs. )

[No Subject]

Characters: Rogue, Bruce, and Matt
When: Wednesday Afternoon (we'll pretend this makes sense)
Location: Infirmary Car
Warnings/Rating: None!
Summary: Rogue goes to work on control and discovers that she doesn't have her powers anymore.
Status: Closed/Complete



[No Subject]

Characters: Cole Turner
Location: Random car
Warnings/Rating: None expected but that could change.
Summary: Cole is feeling restless and has wandered into the random car where it is full of ceramic pots.
Status: Open

... Or do I have to shoot you in the eye?

Who: Clint Barton ([info]i_nevermiss), Lucifer ([info]_lightbringer), and anyone else who joins!
What: Hallway meeting on the day of their arrival. Mutual confusion abounds.
Where: Car #16 - Sleeping Car
When: Back-logged to May 15th, Tuesday morning
Warnings/Ratings: TBD
Status: Open, Ongoing

Everything felt... strange. )

**NOTE: For anyone who was talking to Lucifer earlier, this is pre-Network interaction. ^^

[No Subject]

Who: Lyra Silvertongue and Donna Noble
What: Lyra is terrified that she's been hit with the loss of abilities.
Where: Observation car
When: 16th, evening
Warnings/Ratings: none/none
Status: closed, ongoing

Maybe she'd just sit here not talking to anyone until it passed )

[No Subject]

Characters: Quinn Morgendorffer & Jaime Dorny
When: Wednesday night
Location: Quinn's cabin
Warnings/Rating: Likely none
Summary: Quinn does Jaime's hair! Girly giggly times!

Look at her, ahead of the fashion curve! )

[No Subject]

Characters: Sherlock and Open~
When: Wednesday afternoon
Location: Laundry room
Warnings/Rating: Probably no rampant sex amongst the baggage, so we'll say none for now
Summary: Sherlock Holmes does laundry
Status: Open

A consulting detective walks into a laundrette- )



[No Subject]

Characters: Anna Milton, Meg
When: After this.
Location: Their room.
Warnings/Rating: High for Meg's mouth.
Summary: Anna promised she'd get Meg cleaned up. And Meg's just seen the net. . .
Status: Closed, ongoing

I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through. )



[No Subject]

Characters: Mitchell and Nina
When: Wednesday morning
Location: Rear Kitchens
Warnings/Rating: Cantankerous little Werewolf ..Dead-er Vampire
Summary: Nina's opinion of Mitchell looks unlikely to improve. Mitchell drops dead. Not her fault! D:
Status: Open, Ongoing, plot.

No intention of becoming that man )