Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


March 31st, 2012



From One Darkness to A Light

Who: Magius and Erica Reed
What: Death(?) and Arrival
Where: the train
When: Saturday morning
Warnings/Ratings: PG-13, with mentions of pain, death, and torture
Status: Closed and Complete

He remembered dying. )



The Back Kitchen

Characters: Lily, open
When: Saturday afternoon
Location: the back kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Lily arranges the kitchen and ponders future cooking duties
Status: Open, ongoing

She'd be glad to be gone )

[No Subject]

Who: River Tam, Daryl Dixon
Where: Just outside the train, Nebraska
When: A few hours before departure.
What: River has a mild freak-out on the train stoop. She needs some space but really, really hates this version of Nebraska.
Rating: Uh. PG for creepiness? I don't know, but probably not R.

No place was comfortable. Not the open spaces outside, not the spot under the bed, not even inside her own skin. )



[No Subject]

Characters: Being Human characters, if you have one throw him or her in!
When: During this
Location: Sleeping Car No. 15
Warnings/Rating: low/middle
Summary: Nina arrives and bumps into Mitchell
Status: unfinished

A nearly typical morning )




Characters: Lily Luna, Kaylee
When: Saturday, late morning
Location: Front dining car
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: LilyLu is unimpressed with the train's shenanigans.
Status: !dice / Complete

Sodding train )



[No Subject]

Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Robin Hood
When: Saturday
Location: Random car
Warnings/Rating: Probably none
Summary: A little friendly competition
Status: Closed. Ongoing.



[No Subject]

Characters: Connor Temple & Nick Cutter (Gwen Cooper can jump in at some point if she wants)
When: Saturday afternoon
Location: Room 302
Warnings/Rating: Low
Summary: Time to get techy, sorta.
Status: open to Gwen/ongoing

Getting Techy With It )



All the Sand

Characters: Logan, Finnick
When: Later Saturday night
Location: his compartment of the touring car
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Logan contemplates a desert
Status: Complete

At least it wasn't water )



With a Kitten

Characters: Sylvia, Samantha
When: Saturday night
Location: front parlor car
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Sylvia plays with a kitten
Status: Complete

At least it wasn't sick )

[No Subject]

Characters: Dawn Summers and Quinn Morgendorffer
When: Saturday evening
Location: 306-A
Warnings/Rating: Likely none
Summary: Dawn has clothes. Quinn has a shopping addiction. You do the math.

It was good to find someone her own age to spend time with )

[No Subject]

Characters: Sherlock Holmes and Jo Harvelle
When: Saturday afternoon
Location: 601-b
Warnings/Rating: Abundance of awesome, but nothing too much.
Summary: Jo comes to see Sherlock's new suntan.
Status: Closed. Ongoing.

Watson here will tell you that I never can resist a touch of the dramatic. )



My Car

Characters: Simon, open
When: just after midnight, Sunday morning
Location: infirmary/dining car (10)
Warnings/Rating: Simon is territorial
Summary: Simon guards his car from everyone else
Status: Open, plot, ongoing

People needed to stop messing with his car )



[No Subject]

Characters: Katniss and anyone who wants to chime in
When: Early Sunday morning-- More like the middle of the night
Location: In the dining car drinking hot chocolate and hallways of cars
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Katniss sorting out her memories from having just won the first Hunger Games to realizing new information
Status: On going




Characters: Ron
When: Saturday/Sunday, midnight-ish
Location: rear kitchen
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Ron is elated there's a kitchen closer to his room
Status: Narrative

He didn't care much for the scenery, but there were TWO kitchens now! )