Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.


March 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

Who: Jo Harvelle and Open
When: Tonight
Where: Random gas station in town
What: Jo runs into a couple of desperate locals
Rating: Probably med-high
Status: Open

Rock on, gold dust woman // take your silver spoon, dig your grave // Heartless challenge // pick your path and I'll pray // Wake up in the mornin' // see your sunrise loves to go down )



[No Subject]

Characters: Gwen Cooper, Open
When: Sometime on Tuesday
Location: Entertainment Car
Warnings/Rating: Low beyond some possible language.
Summary: Gwen works on her notes while watching the action in the entertainment car.
Status: Open, ongoing (will adjust the tags if this becomes a dice log)

Nothing was making sense. )

[No Subject]

Characters: Sebastian Moran
When: This afternoon
Location: Infirmary
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: Dropping off a little get-well-soon gift for Sherlock!
Status: Narrative

hope you feel better! )



[No Subject]

Characters: Radical Edward, Connor Temple
When: Sometime Tuesday
Location: Their shared cabin
Warnings/Rating: Just Ed's quirks
Summary: The cabin mates finally meet in person
Status: In progress, closed

Now where did I put those ID samples? )



[No Subject]

Who James Moriarty Richard Brook, Ginny Weasley
When Tuesday Evening
Where Their shared cabin
Summary All tears and hurt feelings, Jim Rich convinces his cabinmate to fix his nose after that mean ole'Watson broke it!! D:
Rating/Warning Well, some blood and a ton of lies.
Status Closed/In Progress

How to mend a broken heart (or at least a broken nose)... )



One Wrong Step...

Who: Bruce Banner
What: Bruce goes hunting for provisions, and messes up.
Where: at the edges of a town not a long ways away.
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings/Ratings: PG-13 with mentions of violence, sickness, and NPC death
Status: Narative

Had he found something worth finding? )



[No Subject]

Who John Watson and Martin Crieff
When After John Watson delivers his knuckle sandwich to Jim Moriarty, before he returns to Sherlock's bedside.
Where The corridor not far from Jim Moriarty's room
Summary Not quite mistaken identity, but close, some odd looks and just general confusion!
Warning None!
Status Closed/In Progress

I know! But the thing is, we’ve taken away all the things that can possibly have happened, so I suppose the only thing that’s left, even though it seems really weird, must be the thing that did happen, in fact. )



[No Subject]

Who? John Watson & Jim Moriarty.
Where? Moriarty's room. [Or at the door, at least.]
When? Tuesday.
What? Consequences. Showdown. Flowers and punching.
Rating? Med-High? Language, violence, threats, nastiness.

I.O.U. )

[No Subject]

Characters: Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes
When: Tuesday evening, after Jim sends Sherlock a lovely bunch of flowers.
Location: Infirmary
Warnings/Rating: Gross brotherly affection, heart-wrenching reunions and excessive intellect.
Summary: Sherlock wakes up to see his big brother.
Status: Closed for the time being; possible infiltrations from Ms. Adler and Dr. Watson later on.

And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell )



[No Subject]

Characters: Marian
When: Afternoonish?
Location: By the stream not far from the path Logan cut, but conveniently beneath a tree!
Warnings/Rating: weirdness? It depends on who answers I guess.
Summary: Marian dreams of Randall Flagg the dark man.
Status: OPEN! Plot! Ongoing! Or Narrative?

He could give her all she ever wanted. )



[No Subject]

Who? Parker & Douglas Richardson
Where? Their shared cabin
When? Tuesday Night
What? The thief meets the pilot
Rating? Possible talk of the criminal life?
Status Ended

Parker had forgotten her rig tools. )



[No Subject]

Who: Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger
What: Hot chocolate and catching up
Where: The Touring Car
When: Tuesday mid-morning
Warnings/Ratings: Probably low, I'd expect
Status: Closed/Incomplete

There are few things in the world that hot chocolate can't fix )