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expatriate networks and communications

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[12 Dec 2015|03:07pm]

Mass exodus or mass fuck up? Can I leave the flat now or will it take a month of requests to have this damned thing removed? I know you're all busy with your mistakes, but really...

I was meant to die young. I'll have a bloody heart attack in this world.

[08 Dec 2015|11:51pm]

I imagine it must be very upsetting to be here still, but it's all fine. Now that there's far fewer of you it'll be relatively easier to see to each of your needs.

[07 Dec 2015|02:09pm]

[Filtered; Cassie]

Marco's back. I don't know what's happening here.

He said he had a Yeerk.

Rachel's gone, Marco comes back.

[07 Dec 2015|04:12pm]

What happened to consent forms before doing things like brain biopsies?

Also, who taught you people to do brain biopsies? You suck at them.


[06 Dec 2015|01:29pm]

And suddenly this building got a lot bigger..

[06 Dec 2015|12:16pm]

automated message do not reply


Julien Alemarque
Jake Armstrong
Allison Argent
Bucky Barnes
Dimitri Belikov
Bonnie Bennett
Claire Bennet
Rachel Berenson
Andromeda Black
Cassie Blake
Lucien Castle
Faye Chamberlain
Davina Claire
Adam Conant
Elisabeth Dolingen
Matt Donovan
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Melissa Glaser
Isaac Lahey
Diana Meade
Lydia Martin
Scott McCall
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Niklaus Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Camille O'Connell
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Stiles Stilinksi
Dawn Summers
Jo Wilson
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester

Note: Departures and Arrivals are not scheduled at this time.

[30 Nov 2015|11:27am]

[Filtered; Dimitri]

Good news, dear, your request was processed and approved. You don't need to be afraid anymore.

[30 Nov 2015|08:15am]

Perhaps putting up some Christmas decorations might put me more in the spirit.

[30 Nov 2015|07:55am]

Like I actually care if I was invited to that stupid party or not.

[30 Nov 2015|06:59am]

This place is more than a tad bloody boring.

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