The Exodus Program

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27th August 2010

anomies7:21am: placeholder

25th August 2010

shortchangehero9:22pm: Freedom!
Who: Coop and Adnan
When: morning
Where: their suite and the hallway!

The doors were unlocked. Adnan had already tried one, and stepped out into the hallway of the building that he hadn't seen in seven days. Seven wonderful days. After standing outside of his new home for only a moment or two, he'd gone back in and shut the door behind him. It was still early, and his wife wasn't up yet. He felt that their first foray into the world as married people should be done together. In the meantime, there was breakfast to eat.

Once he'd helped himself -- for the first course, anyway, he'd been eating more breakfast for the past week than he'd ever eaten in his entire life -- he stepped out onto the balcony to enjoy the morning air, a cup of coffee in his hand. He could've woken Coop, he supposed, but he wasn't in a great rush to.

They had it once again. )

23rd August 2010

dichotomy2:05pm: June 4, 2065: Pretty Damn Fine
Who: Stefan and Torlin
When: morning
Where: their suite

Torlin had woken up naturally early, though she wasn't sure why. She was up before the alarm, even though that almost never happened. There were classes to go to, but not quite yet. She rolled onto her back and stretched a bit, then completed the roll so she was facing the sleeping form of her husband. Her lovely husband. She smiled faintly as her eyes ticked over his slack expression. She wondered if he was having good dreams.

It was the day their doors were going to unlock, the day they could leave their suite for the first time as married people. She wasn't in any huge hurry, despite feeling kind of claustrophobic here and there in the past week. Before they went out to face reality, though, there were a couple of things they probably needed to talk about. In her 'no time like the present' sort of way, she started to lightly squeeze his shoulder. "Stef," she murmured to him. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey."

revelations and changes )
Current Mood: calm

13th August 2010

exodusmod9:47pm: Daily Update - June 4th, 2065
Victoria Island, BC
Weather: Sometime in the night the storm clouds rolled in once again. The day dawns to a steady downpour and there is no sign that the summer storm will let up. The temperature dips to 17C (62F) and the winds bluster around the building.

The rain drizzles off by 8 p.m, just in time for the setting orange sun to lance through the clouds. The sky burns red over the ocean, commonly known as Sailor's Delight.

Events: Day three of the RomCom moviefest will take place entirely in doors today, due to heavy rainfall outside. Picnic lunch orders are still being accepted for those who want them. Please call Hospitality Services to have a basket delivered to your suite.

10 a.m. - Wild Love starring Marco Delainey and Tera-Lynn Golding.
5 p.m. - Runaway Bride starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.
8 p.m. - Overboard starring Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.

Join us tomorrow for three more classics!

Program Housekeeping Announcements

The Education Center: The summer courses are getting underway today. All students will receive their course texts with their breakfast this morning, along with any supplies they might need (additional terminal tablets and pens, etc.)

Hospitality Services: The red tide warnings have lifted and seafood is now back on the menu.

The Blue Nile Restaurant and Grill is having it's grand reopening. Come and sample North African and Middle Eastern cuisine at it's finest.

New Hours of Operation for the Hotel Cafeteria. Mon-Fri, 5 a.m-8 p.m.

As always, Hospitality Services will deliver room service at all hours of the day.

Politics: As the Canadian Prime Ministerial race begins to heat up, there is a definite anti-Program sentiment running through the Conservative and NDP parties. Michael Forbes of the Conservative Party is calling for a withdraw of funds from the space program, an all around cinching in of the belt. Sandra Greenburg, party leader for the New Democratic Party (NDP), a decidedly blue-collar party, is insisting that the resources of the Vast North ought to be invested with those who didn't win the genetic lottery. As their debates heat up the terminals, protesting along the coast is reaching a new pitch of violence. For the first time in years, Canadian and American military roll in to suppress out-breaking violence. Though declaration of martial law is greeted with relief by the politicians, it seems to only be fueling the rage of those who live in the area.

4th August 2010

dichotomy5:36pm: June 3, 2065: No Time Like The Present
Who: Allie and Kieran
Where: Their suite
When: Just after noon

Allie had slept on the couch the night before. She was small enough and it was comfortable enough that it worked out just fine. There were spare pillows and blankets tucked in a closet and so she'd made a comfortable bed for herself. Distantly, she'd heard the food arrive but she just didn't want to uncocoon herself and face another day of hiding. Her stomach grumbled and she wondered if she could sneak in, grab a plate and duck into the large bathroom. She'd just eat in there while Kieran did...whatever he did with his day.

She mentally cringed from the idea. Why did she have to hide from him? Because he was bigger? That didn't seem right. They were supposed to be a team and yet, so many days in this place and they had yet to have much of a conversation at all. Avoidance seemed to be the driving theme of their marriage. Determinedly, she flipped the blanket off of herself and kicked it down the couch in frustration. She pushed herself upright and stomped into the bathroom, feeling a bit of a black mood coupled with a steely spine slip into place. She wasn't going to avoid him today. Not really.

Tell the truth, Kieran. Do you want out of this? )

30th July 2010

exodusmod10:43pm: Daily Update - June 3rd, 2065
Victoria Island, BC
Weather: Another sunny day dawns on the island! Perfect weather for being outside. The occasional fluffy white cloud skitters quickly across the hazy blue-gray sky and the wind rustles the newly grown leaves. The afternoon temperature will reach 22C (71F) but it is expected to drop off dramatically after the sun goes down.

By the time the dinner plates are being cleared away, the wind is really gotten going. It buffets and rattles the hotel, wailing and whistling through walkways.

Events: Day two of the RomCom moviefest starts out wonderfully but the dinner time and evening shows are moved to the ballroom when the wind picks up. Picnic orders are still being
accepted, despite the move indoors.

12 p.m. - Francesca starring Shiloh Jolie-Pitt and Marsden Peters.
5 p.m. - The Philadelphia Story starring Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn.
8 p.m. - Annie Hall starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton.

Join us tomorrow for three more classics!

Program Housekeeping Announcements

The Agricultural Desk: The program is very happy to report that three varieties of grapes are now available to be raised as crops in Haven. The successful cultivation of Auxerrois, Chardonnay and Muscat varieties is cause for celebration. This means that not only grapes for food may be grown, but also that wineries are now available to be run. The Cultural Center is overjoyed that the time honoured art of creating wine will not be lost entirely as the earthbound crops were mostly decimated by blights. Please contacting the Staffing Center if you would like to take one of the winery slots.

Politics: Program Members can watch the political debates through their terminals all day, every day.

MOD NOTE: This is the last day of lockdown for everyone except Allie and Kieran. I hope everyone's ready to be released back into the wild! Ok, they're on a heavily guarded island with lots of fences. >.>
anomies7:57pm: Upside Down
Who: Zora and Garret
When: starting wee hours of the morn
Where: their suite

Garret was horny. There were no two ways about it, no ambiguity, no polite way to say it. Two days of intermittent making out with his young wife and he was antsy and twitchy and he wanted to get into her panties so bad. Being the good, patient, understanding husband was much harder than it had sounded coming out of his mouth, when he'd promised not to rush her. He didn't want to rush her, per se ... he just wanted her to want to get sexed up, so he could blow off some tension. There was only so much a quick rub-off in the shower could accomplish, and he hadn't felt so keyed up since he was a teenager.

He'd tried to sleep, honestly. Once Zora's breathing had evened out some, he'd shifted so he was laying on his back, trying to think of other things. Baseball, car repairs, the giant pile of paperwork that was surely waiting for him when he got back to work. She kept creeping in, though. Wearing only a baseball jersey, or covered in strategically-placed oil, or perched on his desk amidst that paperwork, waiting for him. After an hour or two of mounting frustration and no dozing at all, he very carefully slipped off his side of the bed and headed for the door. There seemed to be only one option left.

It was like the goddamn world had been turned on its head and just kept spinning the wrong way. )

26th July 2010

littlemissdoc11:01pm: A Day Of Rest
Who: Coop and Adnan
When: Around 5 p.m.
Where: The balcony attached to their suite.

Coop sighed as she tucked the extra blanket around the cushion on the patio loveseat in the corner of their balcony. It hadn’t really been wet but she thought it felt a little bit damp. She was actually full clothed for what seemed like the first time in an age, and she last thing she wanted was a wet pair of shorts. Hence, the make-shift couch cover. She sat down and wiggled a bit, testing the effectiveness of her solution. No dampness detected, job well done.

Standing again, she leaned carefully over the balcony, watching people drift across the lawn below. She craned her neck to see if they would be able to see any of the actual film but she didn’t think they would. Turning, Coop poked her head into the living room where Adnan was setting up the terminal. They could hear well on the sound system but it was a bit distorted. “Maybe we should try the terminal tablet?”

Curling up together on the patio and eating their dinner out there sounded like a great idea. A nice change. It wasn’t that Coop wasn’t enjoying getting to know Adnan and working on their language barrier, it was just that they both tended to get tired of trying to communicate verbally after a while. Then they turned to communicating non-verbally and while that was awesome, she was a little sore. Her muscles ached, and as much as she wouldn’t have wanted to shoot him down the next time he turned those smoldering brown eyes on her, she thought she would have to. This was a better idea.

Something Different To Pass The Time )
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